The volume probed by cosmological surveys is growing rapidly, while the sensitivity of CMB experiments is likewise increasing the fidelity with which secondary anisotropies can be used as cosmological probes. Computational modeling of the sky, in the form of mock catalogs and simulated observations, is becoming a part of the analysis process itself, with a wide range of techniques and approaches being developed.
The goal of the meeting is to bring together experts on modeling large scale structure observations and discuss and compare different approaches to determine the specific desired properties of simulated data for a given large scale survey simulation, as well as to identify those elements common to multiple probes for the same underlying large scale structure.
Please join us for a workshop on modeling the extragalactic sky at the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics -- a perfect place to contemplate the extra galactic sky while enjoying Pacific views!
Where: UC Berkeley
When: January 10-12, 2018
The format of the workshop will be aimed at facilitating informal discussions. Topics will include computational approaches for modeling the extragalactic sky as seen through: CMB secondary anisotropies; clustering and redshift space distortions in spectroscopic galaxy surveys; cosmic shear with imaging surveys; intensity mapping techniques and the high-redshift universe.
Registration is limited to 50 participants. If you are planning to attend, please register clicking the button here
Register for the workshopThere is no registration fee; please contact the organizing committee if you require an invitation letter for visa applications.
Talks will happen in Campbell Hall 131, next door to LeConte. The reception and dinner on Wed 10th will take place on the roof (6th floor) of Campbell Hall.
Hotels in downtown Berkeley are probably most convenient. Some recommended local hotels are:
- The Faculty Club
UC Berkeley campus
Reservations: 510-540-5678, ext 0
[email protected]
Mention that you are attending a UCB workshop to try to get lower rates - Rose Garden Inn
2740 Telegraph Avenue
Berkeley, CA, 94705
Reservations: 510-549-2145
[email protected]
Mention that you are attending a UCB workshop to try to get lower rates - Bancroft Hotel
2680 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA, 94704
Reservations: 510-549-1000
Mention that you are attending a UCB workshop to try to get lower rates - Hotel Shattuck Plaza
2086 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Reservations: Tel: (510) 845-7300 /[email protected]
Please request the discounted UCB/LBNL rate. Parking lot near hotel. - Downtown Berkeley Inn
2001 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: 510-843-4043 Reservations: [email protected]
To secure your reservation please call the hotel directly at 510/843-4043 and indicate you are requesting the UCB/LBNL Campus Rate. Parking lot next to the hotel. - Graduate Berkeley Hotel
(formerly Hotel Durant)
2600 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA, 94704
Tel: 510.845.8981
To secure your reservation, please call the hotel directly at 800/238-7268 and indicate you are requesting the UCB/LBNL Campus Rate. Unfortunately, you cannot use the online booking feature to secure a room at the LBNL/Campus Rate so please call directly. Parking available at the hotel for a small fee. - SenS Hotel & Bistro
(formerly French Hotel)
1538 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA, 94709
Tel: 510-548-9930 / [email protected]
Please mention UCB/LBNL to receive a discounted rate. Parking is available near the hotel. Located in Berkeley's 'Gourmet Ghetto' in a three-level brick building with a cafe on the ground floor.