
The evolution of the Universe on small scales is nonlinear, and this leads to new phenomena both in the dark matter sector and in the baryonic sector. These effects can be studied using numerical dark matter and gas simulations, which however have their own uncertainties. There are numerous open questions in this area: to what extent is our ability to extract cosmological information limited by these nonlinear effects? Can cosmological observations improve astrophysical modeling of nonlinear evolution? Can purely theoretical approaches add to our understanding of nonlinear universe?

The aim of this workshop, co-organized by the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) and the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) at the Flatiron Institute, is to gather experts at the intersection of these areas. The format of the workshop is talks in the morning, followed by lunch at the premise and discussions/excursions in the afternoon, facilitating as much as possible interactions and informal discussions among participants.

Where: Hotel San Martin, Smartno, Slovenia
When: July 16-22, 2017

Topics will include numerical simulations of dark matter, galaxies, and gas, approximate numerical methods for specialized applications, theoretical modeling, and connections to observations.

Registration is strictly limited to 50 participants . If you are planning to attend, please register here. Registration fees will be included in the hotel reservation.
Due to the limited number of participants we can accommodate, registration to the meeting will be confirmed once a hotel reservation will be made through the main venue. Please see the Accommodation page for more information.


The conference will take place in the medieval village of Smartno in Slovenia, on the green hills of the region of Brda(Collio), right at the border with Italy. This is one the most important and renowned wine growing area of the region.
The venue is located in the Hotel San Martin, where a large fraction of the participants will also find accommodation.
Additional events, such as wine tasting, an alpine excursion to Bovec, on the Julian Alps, and a hike along the Rilke path on the coast of Trieste will also be organized. Check the Accommodation page for more info.